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Let’s first get to know about what is subject line?
It is a sole line of message in the email that the recipient sees when they obtain your email. The subject line usually regulates in case an email is sent or opened right away to trash so make certain that it is effective towards your recipient.

Sometimes you wish to reply to an existing Email in Gmail but want to alter the topic Line – but changing it in Gmail isn’t a widely known feature – Learn How!

A well-defined Email Subject Line helps make sure that the aim and goal of your Email message are quickly communicated and understood by the message recipient.

Conversation Threads – a fast Primer

But the e-mail Subject Line is over just a high-level summary of the message.

The Email Subject Line is additionally the way that “Conversation Threads” operate in most Email Systems.

A “Conversation Thread” could be a set of messages that are grouped by their common Subject Line.

Whenever you “Reply” to an Email, your message will automatically be grouped as a “thread” that’s a part of that very same “message chain” supported by the identical Subject Line.

Conversation Threads in Outlook

In Microsoft Outlook, Emails with the identical Subject Line are often viewed as one “thread” if you select the “Conversation View” in your Inbox.

But each Email continues to be a personal Email, and that they are just “Grouped” for viewing purposes.

Conversation Threads in Gmail

But Gmail handles things a touch differently than Outlook….

In Gmail, all the messages under the identical Subject are literally a part of one, long message. All the varied “replies” and “responses” all compose that single, long Email chain thereunder single Subject Line. This means that in Gmail, you are doing not must set a special “view” to determine your “conversation threads” as you are doing in Microsoft Outlook.

In some cases, users might want to change the subject line to contemplate the latest matter, topic or issue but desire to keep the foregoing replies as recommendations to the message. This might occur if the message determines the usual people however the matter has changed and the former subject line ceases to apply.
Thankfully there is a course of action to do this in Gmail however it is not prominent. Users can accomplish this by changing the subject line of the message which will still have all the prior messages as quoted replies.


  1. Discover your email that holds your conversation thread in your inbox and open that email.
  2. At the bottom of the email choose “Reply”.
  3. In the next step it will open your “reply window” for you to set foot in your reply at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Tap on the “Down Arrow” that you will see at the top-left of the message box and choose “Edit Subject”.
  5. “Compose” window will then pop up and the “Subject line” will appear in “Edit mode”.
  6. Upgrade the subject line and convert it to something that is relevant for your latest message thread.
  7. In the last step send your message.

All the previous Emails are going to be included, but you may now have a “new threat” that’s linked to the current new Subject Line, and everyone’s future Emails will now be a part of this new conversation thread.


Since Gmail keeps mail together during a single conversation thread supported by the topic Line, the recipients will now receive a replacement Mail message with the UPDATED Subject Line, but containing the old conversation history.


This may be a small amount confusing to the recipient, so you will wish to notice to the recipient that you just have updated the topic Line to reflect a replacement issue that must be tracked separately.

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